My guest today on Meet the Author is Lisa McManus. She writes sassy slice-of-life articles, as well as inspirational pieces for writers. Her work has been published in regional and national magazines, reference books and anthologies.

Lisa McManus Lange

Lisa has an extensive list of accomplishments:

CSS Just Us Girls

NYMB On Cats

'The Canadian Writers Guide, 13th Edition' (Fitzhenry and Whiteside)_

Just to name a few. Lisa also writes YA (young adult) novels. Her latest, Newbie Nick, is the story of a young man’s dream of buying his own guitar and his journey to succeed though he’s too young for a ‘real’ job.

Newbie Nick

I had the opportunity to ask Lisa a few fun questions;

  • What do you write?

I write lots of stuff as I have two writing personalities. Under Lisa McManus Lange I write slice-of-life stories, inspirational and humorous (or so people say), and I have been published in many national magazines and anthologies, as well as six Chicken Soup for the Soul books! Under Lisa McManus I write fiction for kids and teens, my current release, ‘Newbie Nick’ is available in ebook through the publisher, Lycaon Press, and wherever ebooks are sold.

  • What genre do you favor?

Depends on my mood! I love deep, heart-wrenching young adult novels, but then I also love a good humorous women’s contemporary (think Marian Keyes, or Sophie Kinsella!)

  • When did you realise you wanted to be a writer?

When I was about 12-years-old and I wrote a weird ‘thriller’ about an acid-spewing spider. I wrote poetry in my teens, winning an award in grade eleven. But then didn’t write anything until my late twenties, although the curiosity was always there. I guess I had to spend years reading countless books before I could take pen to paper!

  • Where can you be found on social media?

I can be found in quite a few places!

  • What do you think is the best way to publish these days?

Whatever is the best way for YOU, the writer AND your readers, IS the best way. There is no right or wrong these days. Everyone has their own goals, dreams and aspirations, just like everyone has their own way of….tying their shoelaces!

  • Do your characters talk to you?

More like I talk TO my characters and…I answer back for them. I have a weird, twisted relationship with them, and my poor brain is always on overdrive. This is why, I suspect, I have a tendency to trip and fall.

  • How do you approach starting a new book?

Usually a word, a title or just the tiniest nugget or germ of an idea will be enough of a springboard for a story. Then I think. And think. And think some more. And then, often out of the blue, an opening sentence will strike and then I’m off and running!

  • What is your writing process?

I think. I make notes. I think some more. I sort of plot, but not really. I find plotting takes the freshness out of the story for me and I find my creativity gets smothered. Then I think some more. I have a zillion notebooks in my collection, but it’s little scraps of paper that often get used.

  • What are the best writing books or blogs you’ve ever read?

I love reading anything and everything to do with writing! Currently I tote around a dog-eared copy of ‘Writing Great Books For Young Adults’ by Regina L. Brooks, and ‘Writing Irresistible Kidlit’ by Mary Kole. I love using a paperback copy of the thesaurus.

  • What was your best date ever?

Taking my little sister to the aquarium with my then-boyfriend, now husband. She was eleven, I was 19, he was 25. He was a good sport for doing that, and she still fondly talks about it.

  • Navy SEAL or cowboy?


  • Chocolate or chips?


  • Fancy restaurant or picnic?

Picnic (but as long as I don’t have to make it – if I did, then I would want a restaurant)

  • Beer or wine?


Favorite author?

Thank you for sharing a little about yourself, Lisa, and congratulations on all your successes.

17 Replies to “MEET THE AUTHOR”

  1. Hi Ladies
    Lisa I find your writing full of humor, subtle, but deadly to the funny bone. I’ll always remember your blog post about scarfing down leftovers at the tea room of the Empress Hotel. Only you could write that with grace!. Love your writing.
    Looking forward to many more stories.
    Best Wishes always

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Lisa -you are rocking! It’s so wonderful that you have your feet in both fiction and non-fiction. I remember when we first met years ago. I’m so impressed and happy for you -in all of your accomplishments. And I’m so glad that you’re hanging onto your sense of humour.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awww! Thank you, Jodie! Yes, we have both come so far since we first met! I have enjoyed watching you through your own writing journey. Thank you for your lovely words of support, for stopping by Jacquie’s blog, and thank you just for being you! Happy writing to you! Lisa

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Anna – truly – have them everywhere. In my purse, my totebag, my wallet, my bathroom/office, beside the couch, beside my laptop, in the kitchen. If I don’t write it down, though, it’s gone!!!! Thank you so much for stopping by. Happy writing to you and best wishes in continued success! Lisa

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Lisa

    I spent my lunch today going AHA, that’s what my story needs and hurriedly writing down notes so I totally identify. One thing I know for sure, you know your characters and that’s what makes the story come to lifel

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Pat! What, what, what, what!?!! What did you write down!?! Must be gooood! Good job on getting that stuff down! Thank you for stopping by Jacquie’s blog and for your kind words! Happy writing to you and best wishes for continued success! Lisa

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi Lisa, I loved reading your blog with Jacquie this evening. Enjoyed hearing more about your writing process. I think you are one of the hardest working authors out there!

    Liked by 1 person

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