Every Deep Desire was Born . . . and Now It’s Time to Let Go

Sharon Wray talks about letting go of your book baby on the Sisterhood of Suspense #blog. Stop by for a visit, we’d love to hear from you 🙂

Word by Word

It’s been almost a week since EVERY DEEP DESIREentered the world, and I’m back at work revising book 2 in the Deadly Force series, ONE DARK WISH and writing book 3.  And I’m exhausted. The kind of exhaustion that  comes after having a baby or moving to another country (both of which I’ve done). It’s not just a lack of sleep kind of tired, but an emotional withdrawal. After so many wonderful notes, emails, tweets, etc., I feel this intense need to crawl into bed and hide under the covers.

I wrote for a long time (14 years) before seeing my book on a bookshelf in a store, and I thought I understood all that would mean. But I’ve realized in the last week that the writing and getting published–while hard–isn’t the hardest part. The hardest part is letting go.

This book is no longer mine. This book now…

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