Please help me make HISTORY today! 🏆

Melinda De Ross-You may not believe this, but today it’s up to you to help me realize one of my biggest dreams: to be the first Romanian in history to become a USA Today bestselling author. And it costs you only 99 cents.
It’s Release Day!

Melinda De Ross


One of my favorite authors, Paulo Coelho, once said, “If you stop dreaming you stop living life.
I suppose he was right. I used to be a big daydreamer in my teens, but as the years passed, life and the inevitable disappointments got me down to earth. So I’ve decided I would set realistic goals for myself and work relentlessly to achieve them.
You may not believe this, but today it’s up to you to help me realize one of my biggest dreams: to be the first Romanian in history to become a USA Today bestselling author. And it costs you only 99 cents.
As I mentioned in my previous newsletter, I’m part of a Christmas anthology alongside 25 amazing authors, writers with incredible credentials who worked tirelessly for the past months so we can make my dream come true – together. To be part of…

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