Magic, politics, love, and madness collide in this fantasy adventure… Soul Swallowers by @DWallacePeach #Fantasy #BookReview

When swallowed, some souls gift insights, wisdom, a path to understanding. Others unleash power, proficiency with a sword, and indifference to death. One soul assimilates with ease. But swallow a host of the dead and risk a descent into madness. 

Estranged from his family over the murder of his wife, young Raze Anvrell wields his fists to vent his rage. Then a chance at a new life beckons, and he retreats to the foothills of the Ravenwood, the haunt of unbound ghosts. He and his mentor build a freehold, a life of physical labor and the satisfaction of realizing a dream. They raise horses and whittle by the fire until the old man dies, and Raze swallows his first soul. 

When his brother reaches out, open wounds begin to scar. But the tenuous peace won’t last. While those who rule the Vales yield to the lure of their ambitions, slavers of Ezar roam the countryside, hunting for human chattel. While one man manipulates the law, another heeds the souls of violence howling in his head. 

Raze too listens to his soul’s whispers, and as danger intrudes on his quiet life, he has no choice but to return to his father’s world and join the fight.

In this completed series, epic fantasy blends with the wisdom of old souls to create a unique coming of age story of courage and honor in the midst of evil. Slavery is pitted against freedom, anger against forgiveness, and a desire to live peacefully against the necessity to take up the sword.

It’s a story of bitter estrangement and broken hearts, of deception and unfettered ambition. For Raze Anvrell it’s a journey of violence, redemption, and his soul’s growth as he transforms from a reckless youth into a man with a rich legacy of souls. 

Magic, politics, love, and madness collide in this fantasy adventure. For lovers of beauty and battle, and complex characters willing to risk everything in the fight for their souls. 



D. Wallace Peach started writing later in life after the kids were grown and a move left her with hours to fill. Years of working in business surrendered to a full-time indulgence in the imaginative world of books, and when she started writing, she was instantly hooked. Diana lives in a log cabin amongst the tall evergreens and emerald moss of Oregon’s rainforest with her husband, two dogs, bats, owls, and the occasional family of coyotes.

For book descriptions, excerpts, maps, and behind the scenes info, please visit

For her blog on all things writing, please visit

Photo by eberhard grossgasteiger on

My Review

Unforgettable Fantasy!

I didn’t know what to expect when I came across this title on D. Wallace Peach’s website, but the title and the cover drew me and after hesitating far longer than I should have, I decided to make the purchase- and can I just say, WOW!

This is the story of three kingdoms and the men and women who rule them, some with deceit more than honor.

When heir to the throne Raze Anvrell witnesses the murder of his young wife, he blames his father and disowns his family. He leaves to make his own way and learns over time, with the help of his mentor, that anger and hatred is not the answer to a peaceful soul.

The author has a beautiful, poetic way of writing that drew me right into the story- I couldn’t set it down!

Some of my favorite lines:

“What do you believe?”

“That we are children in a corner of the world trying to draw borders around the universe. We study a drop of rain and think we understand the sea. The only thing we can fully understand is ourselves, and even that task is beyond most.”

Soul Swallowers- D.Wallace Peach

The winter rains had abated, and waves of hammered bronze rolled into the cliffs with the rhythm of a heartbeat. The islands of the Shattered Sea crouched like hunchbacked giants tamed by the evening tide.

Soul Swallowers- D. Wallace Peach

Traveling to the sea cities was more than a physical journey for Raze. He returned sharper and dirtier with hard black seeds of malcontent like gravel in his shoes. Except they lodged in his skin and eyes and heart. They grew with weedy hunger.

Soul Swallowers- D. Wallace Peach

Maybe my desires are just poetic dreams pirouetting in the snow.

Soul Swallowers- D. Wallace Peach

Loss, love, war and betrayal- Soul Swallowers is a masterful fantasy novel!

Five+ lovely kisses- A must read!

27 Replies to “Magic, politics, love, and madness collide in this fantasy adventure… Soul Swallowers by @DWallacePeach #Fantasy #BookReview”

  1. I positively loved this series! From the extensive word-building to the political machinations, intrigue and the unforgettable characters, Diana created a binge-worthy 2 book series.

    Great review and so well deserved!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Lovely review, Jacquie. I too loved those lines you highlighted. Diana is a fantastic writer. I have this book in my kindle and I’m really looking forward to reading now. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I was worried about you, Jacquie. I planned on checking on you this weekend to see if you were okay. I’m used to getting a blog from you every morning! Glad you’re back to it. And with what looks like an amazing series. Thanks for sharing. If the description didn’t entice me, the quotes you pulled definitely would have.

    Liked by 1 person

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