We All Need Role Models

A wonderful letter of thanks to our own Sally Cronin of Smorgasbord Blog! Pete has put into eloquent words what we all feel- you’re the best, Sally!

Pete Springer

Iโ€™ve been blogging for less than a year; Iโ€™d like to think Iโ€™ve learned a couple of things during that time. One thing that has jumped out at me is the similarity between my former life (teaching), and one of my newer pursuits (writing). Both endeavors are primarily individual pursuits, and yet the support of others around us is the fuel that keeps our engines going.

When I came out of college, I was only partially ready for all of the challenges that awaited me in the classroom. I had certain advantages that many others did not, having worked as a teacherโ€™s aide for several years. While many of my teacher prep classes focused on learning theory, the best education took place through my practical experiences in elementary classrooms.

When I was starting my teaching career, I learned that many educators were willing to take the time to help. Iโ€ฆ

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12 Replies to “We All Need Role Models”

      1. Oh… this is tough. I had two women in the business world who really guided me. As a writer Iโ€™m lacking that mentor and role model to chat with regularly. I miss this type of relationship.

        Dads are good for this. I understand!

        Liked by 1 person

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