What’s your creative weapon of choice? Brushes, pens, or pencils?

Vicki Batman shares her upcoming release and asks the all-important question; brushes, pens, or pencils? 🙂

Word by Word

Pencils? That’s what you use, Vicki? Seriously?

If you ran into me working, you’ll probably see three things–4×4 ruled sticky notes, a large calendar book, and yellow mechanical pencils.

Yes, pencils. I wouldn’t use a brush. I’m so not a painter like our beloved Kathryn. As for pens? A long time ago, I took shorthand. I was very fast and my weapon for scribbling–the classic Bic pen. But time passed, shorthand has fallen away, and my creative genius moved along. I discovered Missing Vowel wordsearch books. Let’s face it, with a pen, erasing is a no-go. The paper tears. The ink smears. Etc. But a pencil IS erasable.

I use a pencil for my calendar book, too. Dates and times change almost daily. And with a pen, I faced the same smearing and tearing paper issue. Pencil it is!

However, I’m not an ordinary pencil user. I like the yellow…

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