Teaser Time #WIPWednesday #amwriting

WIP Wednesday

I enjoyed the new Wednesday theme Staci Troilo and Joan Hall came up with for sharing either a teaser or something relevant from our WIP- check them out in the links above.

I thought I’d give it a whirl and share a short teaser from my upcoming contemporary romance, My Girl. This will be the third book in the Gambling Hearts series. If you’ve read Hold ‘Em or Crazy Little Thing Called Love you’ll be happy to know this is Aaron’s story.

Photo by Alexandria Baldridge on Pexels.com

Plans for the upcoming Harvest Ball moved along at a steady pace, with Sophia in her element. Aaron did his best to stay out of the way, but his sister knew all his hideouts and eventually tracked him down in the horse barn.
“There you are, I was beginning to think you were avoiding me,” she said, entering Dickens’ stall. “I need help.”
Aaron finished filing his horse’s back hoof before patting the smooth flank. He looked at Sophia over the broad back. “I knew it couldn’t last,” he sighed. “Okay, what do you need?”
She huffed out an exasperated breath. “Don’t sound so excited. I’m doing this for the ranch, you know.”
He did know. Unfortunately, it didn’t make having their home overrun by strangers any more palatable. In all fairness, Sophia had gone over and above on the website and the hacienda. He was no tech guru but even he would pay the astronomical prices to stay as their guest. Her sales pitch was nothing short of genius.
But she looked tired.
If only the agricultural firm he’d shown his ideas to would call back with a contract—none of this would be necessary. He ducked under Dickens’ neck and came up next to his sister. “Shouldn’t you be taking it easy?”
She patted her growing baby bump and smiled. “You sound like Tony. I’m fine. It’s just there’s a hundred and one things to get done and only a few days left before the big event. This ball will give us the free advertising we need to get the guest ranch off the ground. I’ve invited some of my old contacts from New York and Trish promised to put the word out, too. She’s been great, Aaron. I would have been lost without her.”
The mention of Trish sent the now familiar fluttery feeling to his stomach. He’d spent the last few days rehashing that kiss by the fountain; the near-desperation in his voice when he’d begged her to come away with him. Her negative reaction.
He was an idiot to keep bashing his heart against the stone wall of Trish’s soul.

My Girl- Jacquie Biggar

Aaron is the middle child in a family of strong, independant siblings and he’s had trouble getting his voice heard. I come from a family of three siblings as well, and though I’m the oldest (and therefore, the boss :)) I can see now, with the wisdom of time, how hard it was for my brother to show his individuality.

Has anyone else noticed this within their families? Let’s talk about it!

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14 Replies to “Teaser Time #WIPWednesday #amwriting”

  1. Well, I’m the youngest of four, and sometimes I’m the one who has to make a bit more effort to be heard among the others, LOL.

    A great excerpt, Jacquie, and the closing line was fabulous!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, that’s interesting! Were you close in age, Mae?
      My youngest brother is twelve years younger than me (ten from the second oldest) and he was totally spoiled by all of us 🙂
      Thank you for the kind comment on the excerpt!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m almost 11 years younger than my oldest sister, 7 years younger than my middle sister, and 4 years younger than my brother. And yes, I was horribly spoiled growing up–especially by my parents, LOL!

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  2. As the youngest in my family (and you know the oldest, who already commented), I can’t agree that firstborn equals boss. 😉

    Thanks for the shoutout. I hope you decide to do this every week. Loved the excerpt!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This is a fun idea to share in blogs. I try to do this in my newsletter here and there but I’m not constant. Great excerpt, Jacquie.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Great excerpt, Jacquie! No I haven’t experienced the middle child issue because I’m an only child. My childhood was rather lonely and I often wished for a brother or sister to share troubles and happy times with.

    Liked by 1 person

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