19 Replies to “Missing my kids #WordlessWednesday #FamilyFirst”

  1. What a gorgeous photograph. My ‘much-loved’ three sons are fifty and over now and loved just as much as when they arrived on this planet. Luckily, two out of three live only a mile from husband and me (in Spain), while the third lives in Denmark and we email, Skype and talk regularly. He is – hurray – due a visit soon. For whatever reason, it is so sad to read of split families and more especially to read of abused and neglected children. Love is all.

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    1. I’m happy your children are mostly nearby, Joy. Family is so important- something we appreciate more as we grow older.
      My girl had to move across the country for her schooling. We do keep in contact through Facetime and texts, but it’s not the same as actually seeing them. My grandson is a tween now, he’ll be a young man soon. I wish we were closer to offer support- he’s type 1 diabetic. I worry about him.
      You’re right- love IS all โค

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      1. Hi, Really sorry to hear that your grandson is a diabetic. Hopefully, with the great strides forward in medical know-how and discoveries, they’ll be able to help him soon. Best wishes. Joy x

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  2. I love being around my family. My daughter is across the country. We miss her, her husband, and the grandchildren. We FaceTime often, but there is nothing better than those in person visits.

    Lovely picture, Jacquie.

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    1. Me, too! Before he was diagnosed as Type 1, I assumed Diabetes was simply a case of watching your diet and exercising.
      T1D is so much more than that. Without the pancreas it’s a constant life and death battle. My daughter is a single parent. I have NO idea how she manages on a daily basis. She’s amazing!

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        1. Aw! Thank you, my friend โค
          I think type 2 can be hereditary, to a point. My grandfather and my mom both have it (he passed away some years ago), but I've avoided the bullet, so far. As you say, fingers crossed!

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  3. What a beautiful picture Jacquie. I am sorry to hear that your son is diabetic. It is so hard to live with any kind of ailment and you being far away makes it hard. Hugs and prayers.

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