#SundayStills- National Pet Parent Day #PetLover #ILoveMyPets

Our pets are like children to us. We treat them like our kids ๐Ÿ™‚

Join Terri Webster Schrandt for Sunday Stills Here

Harley hiding in the bamboo
Annie keeping the kiddo company
She’s not sure about this white stuff- neither am I! lol
Mom, quit working and pay attention to me!
My girl soaking up the sunshine


Annie following Dad EVERYWHERE! lol
Love you, Dad
Miss you โค

31 Replies to “#SundayStills- National Pet Parent Day #PetLover #ILoveMyPets”

      1. Youโ€™re welcome, Jacquie! They are well right now. Harper had a seizure last week which terrified us all, but sheโ€™s been great ever since and we are just loving on her and trying to keep her as stress-free as possible (the seizure seemed to be stress related even though we know she has epilepsy, so she doesnโ€™t really need a reason). Everyone else is well. Thanks so much for asking. โ™ฅ๏ธ Hope you and yours are well too!

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  1. Aww. What a fun day to celebrate. I suggested to my daughter and grandson to look up each day and find something to celebrate. Pets are such a blessing while we’re stuck at home. ๐Ÿ™‚ They’re enjoying the sun… but that snow (?). I hope it’s gone. ๐Ÿ™‚

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  2. Great pictures of your fur babies. Our dog, Dot, has saved us from losing it during this lockdown. Not sure how I would have handled it if we didn’t have her. I’m sure you still miss your Annie. She is gorgeous. xo

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