#Gardening- Nature’s version of Yoga #Meditation #Health @jacqbiggar

Gardening is Good for Your Health! Sharing my tips for staying healthy on Word by Word​

Word by Word

Gardening is Good for Your Health!

Even though we’re going through an unprecedented time, there are ways to enrich your mental and physical health.

Growing your own garden is beneficial to your well-being.

Fruits and vegetables picked fresh from the vine taste better, are nutritious, and gives intense satisfaction. You don’t need a lot of room to create a good food forest.

This is a 4Γ—4 ft bed. It is home to a tree with five different varieties of apples, a peach tree, sage, oregano, thyme, lavender, strawberries, and blueberries.

The trick is to fertilize every two weeks and water regularly- not too hard, right?

This strawberry square is made with fresh berries from my yard.

Even if you don’t have room for a small garden, there are community plots in most cities. Caring for your own plants feeds your soul and is a healthy decision for your family…

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22 Replies to “#Gardening- Nature’s version of Yoga #Meditation #Health @jacqbiggar”

  1. I love this, Jacquie! I wasn’t able to plant as much this year because I couldn’t go to the nurseries, but I’ve loved enjoying my perennials this summer and wish I had more fruit trees and berries (have already told you that!). ❀️

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Lovely, Jacquie! I do gardening every day. I started preparing the soil for my vegetable garden. The milkweeds seedlings are doing great and hopefully I’ll have a butterfly garden by next year. ❀

    Liked by 1 person

  3. OMG that strawberry square looks divine. I would love to have my own garden. I never was interested but as I’m getting older and see all your wonderful pics it makes me want to plant and grow all kinds. You are amazing!!! So many talents you have Jacquie.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Do it, Jane! All of our plants are container grown, so even if you don’t have much space it’s possible. You’ll be so glad you did 😊


  4. Oh, I totally agree, Jacquie. Wonderful post. My flowers, veggies, and forest have brought such peace and solace during this strange and disorienting time. They keep me “grounded.” I love what you’ve done with your garden. There is something special about how nurturing mother nature nurtures us in return. A beautiful post. ❀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re so right! There’s nothing better than inhaling the scent of moist soil and healthy plants. One of our favourites is rosemary. It’s so fragrant and great for cooking, too 😊


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