In the Absence of Color- #SundayStills #Photography #BloggingCommunity

This week’s Sunday Stills Challenge is objects that are the color white. Check out Terri Webster Schrandt’s wonderful blog and join in here.

The photo above is one of my Asian lilies showing off last summer. Their perfumed scent carries throughout the garden.

This close-up of dandelion seeds shows the beauty of these nutritious plants. You can learn more about their beneficial properties on Sally Cronin’s health blog.

Coffee is a language in itself.

Jackie Chan

This bee is enjoying the Hot Lips Salvia.

Kind of hard not to believe in a higher being with clouds like these.

Stretching his hand up to reach the stars, too often man forgets the flowers at his feet.

Jeremy Bentham
Star Magnolia

I’m missing my flowers, but it won’t be long now! Florals shared are for Ceeโ€™s Flower of the Day.

My daughter’s house in Newfoundland last year. They were hit so hard the National Guard stepped in to help the province shovel themselves out.

When you are full-time RVers, this kind of snow is NOT appreciated!

I’ve been hard at work on my WIP, due the end of March. I won’t tell you how far behind I am, lol. Let’s hope the inspiration gods find me soon!

Hubby is so anxious for spring, he started planting vegetable seeds outside yesterday. We’ll see if they take, or not. We’re trying a few new things; butternut squash, Sakata sweet melon, and some awesome herb seeds received from Thailand thanks to Carol Taylor!

I hope you enjoyed this brief coffee chat. What’s it like in your part of the world?

good morning

41 Replies to “In the Absence of Color- #SundayStills #Photography #BloggingCommunity”

  1. I feel like a full-time RV-er these days, Jacquie, so I know first hand how snow and/or extreme cold is NOT always welcomed! But all that snow at your daughter’s door–scary! Beautiful array of white images this week! Your flowers are beautiful and bring me hope for spring!

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  2. Beautiful photos, Jacquie. Your daughter’s home and experience make all my winter complaints seem frivolous. Here’s to sunshine and warmer temperatures!! ๐ŸŒž

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  3. I love the color white, Jacqui, and you’re right about those clouds. Our planet is a marvel worth a bit of worship – look at all those beautiful flowers. Forget that snow though (yikes). I’m with your husband and want to get my hands in the soil soon. Good luck with your writing. You go, girl! โค

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  4. Love these your daughter got some crazy snow! yikes. My daughter moved from Washington to Texas in August and they sure got hit unexpectedly.

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  5. Beautiful photos, Jacquie. I’m so looking forward to seeing spring flowers. Your daughter’s house and the snow last year, wow, true meaning of “snowed in”. #sundaystills

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  6. Stunning pictures, Jacquie:) I can’t believe how much snow your daughter had. That is not a walk way I’d want to clear. Too much snow on trailers is never a good thing, nor is getting it off. I saw the first flower of spring today in the forest, it made me smile.

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  7. Jacquie, what lovely white flowers. I wouldn’t want that much snow, though. WOW! Thank goodness someone helped them. That much snow looks like a heart attack waiting to happen. Good luck on your next WIP. ๐Ÿ™‚

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