

USA Today bestselling author Jacquie Biggar loves to write Romantic Suspense novels brimming w/Attitude. 

Jacquie Biggar is an award-winning author of romance who has been listed on USA Today’s bestseller list. Her writing is centered around tough, alpha male characters who fall for strong and independent contemporary women. She resides on Vancouver Island with her husband and would love to hear from readers worldwide!

In her own words:

“My name is Jacquie Biggar. When I’m not being a klutz, I’m a wife, a mother of one, a grandmother, and a butler to my calico cat. One of my guilty pleasures is watching reality TV shows such as The Voice and Amazing Race. Every Monday night, you can find me laughing at the judge’s shenanigans as I’m plastered to my armchair. I love hanging out with my husband at the beach, taking pictures, and reading romance novels (what else?). I have a slight obsession with Tim Hortons, enjoy gardening, everything pink, and talking to my friends.”

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I thought Iโ€™d share with you the beginning of my love affair with writing.

Normally, procrastination is my enemy. I like to get done whatever it is, as soon as I can, so that I donโ€™t have to worry about it any more.

In school I worked hard to stay in the top ten every year. So when I came down sick with the measles and missed two weeks of grade nine, I was devastated. How was I ever going to catch up? I had less than a week to write a compelling story for Language Arts or get a failing mark.

Angry and frustrated, I sat in our living room, pen and paper in hand, staring at a bright yellow bouquet of cheerful looking daffodils. I wanted to hurl them across the room. It wasnโ€™t fair. Why was I being punished for getting sick?

But then an idea popped into my head. A silly, farcical story. If the teacher wanted an essay, fine, Iโ€™d give him one. And so, Count Daffodil, was born. After the first paragraph the words flowed quicker, I could see the scene in my head and needed to get it down on paper. (Sound familiar?) I spent the rest of the day writing, and by the end of the night I had my story.


The next day I turned it in and immediately felt ill all over again. It was dumb. The teacher was going to hate it. Iโ€™d be a laughing stock. Funny how easy you can build something up to catastrophic proportions when you lack self-confidence.

We had to wait two weeks for the results. I was on tenterhooks the entire time. Sure that my mom would blow a gasket because Iโ€™d goofed instead of giving it my best shot.

Then came the big day.

I was scared to look. Finally, I couldnโ€™t take it anymore and turned to the last page. These were my teacherโ€™s words:

Iโ€™m glad I didnโ€™t read this at night. Itโ€™s been a while since I was so enthralled with a story. Very professionally done. The suspense, the ending, the style was excellent. I think Iโ€™ll read it to the other classes. Very impressive.

Not only did he read it to the other grade nines, he read it over the intercom to the entire school!

Because of Mr. Thomas and a hapless bouquet of sunny daffodils, a writer was born.

Jacquie’s first book, Tidal Falls, a romantic suspense novel about second chances, released September of 2014.

25 Replies to “About”

    1. that’s what keeps me writing, ๐Ÿ™‚
      So grateful for all the support in the writing community, I want everyone over for Christmas, lol. Seriously though, that’s the best part, it’s one big extended family.


  1. Our lives seem to run a bit parallel. I have a supportive DH of 33 years, am a mom and grandma, spent 30+ years as a legal secretary always wanting to write something else. Now I’m writing something else and hoping to publish. It’s quite a ride! Thanks for following my blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for visiting my blog. Wishing you much success as you pursue your dream of writing. I took the plunge two years ago and it’s been quite a learning curve, but also extremely satisfying. I’ll visit again and hope you drop by From the Pen of Mae Clair again. Always great to support another author! ๐Ÿ™‚


          1. Awww, thanks so much! I really appreciate your support as well. My debut novel was written long ago and I have learned so much from you on how to be a better novelist. You know, weaving romance into the plot without being too obvious. lol! Sure, we’ll swap addresses. ๐Ÿ™‚

            Liked by 1 person

  3. What an inspiring story, Jacquie. As a retired teacher, I’m so glad that a teacher caught you and inspired you to write. BTW, you look way too young to be a grandma! Have a great weekend. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

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