Count Your Blessings #Familyfirst #Inspiration #mgtab


Count Your Blessings

The last couple of weeks have been filled with emotional upheavals for our family. My grandson, who is type 1 Diabetic, has suffered some setbacks, developing asthma and possibly low blood pressure and scaring the heck out of his mother.

She’s doing her fifth year of studies at university to become a marine biologist (proud momma here!) and just received notice that her five-year tenure in family housing is coming to an end. This means a big move for both of them and a lot of changes. The boy-child has to have specially trained staff at school and the girl needs something she can afford as a single mother. Some tough decisions are coming up.

A few days ago my husband and I lost an old friend of ours. It was fairly sudden and hit us pretty hard. Life is such a precious gift; one we often take for granted. He was an important part of my teenage years and I will greatly miss him.

Count your blessings.

Today, another dear friend flew to the island. We spent the day showing her around, laughing, talking, and enjoying the warmth and love we share. It became a day of healing.


Count your blessings.

Time brings change, it’s inevitable. Don’t become so busy in the day-to-day grind that you forget to stop and…

Count your blessings. {{hugs}}

Jacquie Biggar

7 Replies to “Count Your Blessings #Familyfirst #Inspiration #mgtab”

  1. Jacquie, I’m so sorry you’ve been dealing with so much the past few weeks. Sending love and light, my friend! We’re praying for your grandson and for his mum and of course, you. *hugs* Take care and always know you’re an blessing to us! 🙂

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    1. Hi Mrs. N, sorry to answer this so late! Thank you for your kind words, it’s hard to see your babies suffer. When he goes low it’s the scariest thing ever! He turns snow white and dizzy and can barely speak 😦
      My fondest wish is that they find a better way to control this disease.

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      1. Oh my goodness, how scary! I agree, a scientist needs to find a cure or a better way to control the disease, especially for children. *hugs*

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