Cooking up Memories-Cousin Jack Pasties #Recipe #Familyfirst

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This post started out one way, but took a different turn after a distressing end to my week. Let me explain.

As a child I was what’s known as a tomboy. I’m sure I disappointed my mom, who liked to place my long, wavy brown hair in braids or barrettes and dress me in pretty dresses I couldn’t wait to get out of. While she dreamed of a daughter to do crafts like crochet or paper toรญle with, I was outside playing marbles or catching bugs with the neighborhood boys.

One thing that I did have in common with my mom is a love of animals. We didn’t have a lot of extra money growing up, but she always made room for the strays I routinely brought home.

Which brings me to this week:

Eight years ago, DH (Darling Hubby) brought home a six month old pup. His workmate was going to have her put down because she was the runt of the litter, didn’t have the markings people looked for, and was horribly thin and skittish. We had just lost a dog a couple of months earlier that was precious to us and had decided not to take in any more for a while, but this pup needed help, so…

DH stayed in the backyard with her for hours until she got brave enough to come and check him out. You should have seen it–the most amazing connection happened between man and dog. She crawled on her belly to where he lay under the lilac tree, her sides heaving with stress, but so, so wanting to trust this human who waited with such patience.

I still tear up when I think of that moment.

For a while now, Annie (our Shepherd) has been suffering from degenerative hip disease. Friday she fell down the stairs because her hip let go and her mobility hasn’t improved. DH is carrying her in and out to do her business, but she weighs over one hundred pounds– he can’t continue to do this for long.

We can take her to the vet, of course, but her age is against her and hip replacement surgery is astronomical in price. Needless to say, we’re heartbroken. She’s our baby, quite literally because she is still that scared little pup on the inside and doesn’t trust anyone except us- her family.

She’s not in pain and is still eating, so I guess we’ll play the waiting game for now. One thing I have found that helps, is Absorbine Junior. She doesn’t like the coldness against her skin, but it seems to give some relief. All we can do is hope and pray for a few more years with our girl.

Do you have a favorite pet or a home remedy you can suggest? I’d love to hear from you and thanks in advance.

Cousin Jack Pasties the way Grandma made Them

This is a favorite in our family and brings fond memories of afternoons spent with my grandma and mom over a flour-covered kitchen table. I hope you give them a try.

3-4 white or russet potatoes, cleaned, peeled and cut in small bite-sized pieces. (On the small side is best)

1 chuck or round steak, cut into bite-sized pieces (on the small side is best)

1 large onion, cleaned and cut into small bite-sized pieces.



Mix all except spices in a large bowl. Add salt and pepper to taste, stir and set aside.

If you’re good at pie pastry you can make your own (like Grandma did ๐Ÿ™‚ ) or you can buy frozen large pastry shells (like I would do, lol)

Add approx two tablespoons of mix to shell and then run a finger wetted down with water around the edge and pinch closed.

Cook for 35-40 minutes in 350 oven until crust is a nice golden brown. (Hint: a light egg white wash over the top will give a nice sheen to the crust)


41 Replies to “Cooking up Memories-Cousin Jack Pasties #Recipe #Familyfirst”

  1. So sorry to hear about Annie, that age is making itself felt in the worst possible way. I have no suggestions, other than to love her like crazy (which I’m sure you do already!)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We do. She’s laying by my side right now after falling on the stairs again today. We bought a pet ramp yesterday hoping it was the answer, but she freaked out and almost really hurt herself so we returned it. Running out of options, I’m afraid.

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  2. Oh poor Annie. DH sounds like quite the dog whisperer for him to be able to bring out her bravery when you first brought her home. I have no tips for you and don’t know how I’ll handle things when our own elder dog can no longer get around.

    The pasties look good!

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    1. Thanks, Priscilla. Yes, hubby worked a miracle with her. They have a special bond. I know this is tearing him up.
      I love simple recipes like this that bring comfort to your table ๐Ÿ™‚


  3. I can imagine how you feel. Poor Annie. I know you will do the right thing for her. She has been lucky to have you as family and you have been lucky to have her. Just give her as much love as you can, while you can. Hugs all around.

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  4. Annie is beautiful, Jacquie. A vet might be able to give her some kind of injection in her hip. My heart goes out to your family and her. I’ve been there when my dog could no longer get up, even to eat yet she managed to still eat. Her back end would give out and sometimes it took twenty minutes for her to get up. She was fourteen at this point.

    This isn’t the same as Annie’s problem, but, prior to all this trouble with her hip, my dog, Kasha, had a pulled ligament in her knee. We opted out of surgery, too. With lifestyle changes, she was able to live a full happy life.

    Yum, your recipe sound delicious. I’m a Michigan girl. I love a good pasty, and so do most people here I know. They put rutabaga in them here for those who want it. Do you ever put gravy on yours? Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s helpful, thanks, Mary. Did the injection help for very long or was it only temporary?
      She’s in pain today, tripped on the stairs and cried when DH tried to lift her. I feel so bad for her ๐Ÿ˜ฆ


        1. We just tried a baby aspirin I looked it up and they said it might help) so we’ll see how that does. She’s a clean dog and has never gone to the bathroom in the house- thank goodness- but it creates a problem on getting her out when needed.
          And of course the vet clinics are closed today ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

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          1. We tried a pet store ramp first and she totally freaked out. Jumped sideways onto the stairs and almost broke her fool leg! That’s when we decided we needed one that completely covered the stairs so she had no option. She’s so skittish, it doesn’t help the situation.
            I’m glad you found a way to help your baby ๐Ÿ™‚

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  5. I have a dog Jacquie but can’t give you advices. I feel you though because I love her so much! She is so kind and very trusting. I dread the day she’ll feel bad and maybe will have to leave us! On a side note I was a tomboy too! And I found that boys were less complicated than girls to play with LOL

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  6. I’m so sorry to hear about your dear pup and her hips. We’ve dealt with this in the past too, Jacquie, and it’s so hard. My heart goes out to you and I hope her conditional improves. I’m always comforted to know that, though my little four-legged family members will eventually need my help to pass on, they’ve had lives filled with joy, care, and unconditional love. โค

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    1. Thank you, Diana. We tried a pet ramp for her yesterday, but she panicked so today we built a ramp that covers the stairs and leaves her no choice but to take it- and it worked!
      Her back end still gave out but at least she didnโ€™t tumble down the steps. That was horrible to see.
      Iโ€™m hoping with rest sheโ€™ll recover a bit of mobility ( fingers crossed)

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  7. Have you thought about a sling for her back end to help her get outside. Amazon and Chewy has some nice options but you could probably make something yourself too. I’m really sorry and praying for yall! Annie is absolutely beautiful and reminds me of my girl, she’s a very shy dog too. Hoping for the best for Annie!

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  8. One of our two dogs had stem cell surgery on his hips when he was quite young. (And you’re right; it’s crazy expensive.) That helped. He’s not perfect, but he’s happy and mobile, and that’s all I can ask for. I hope you find something that alleviates Annie’s pain so she can stay with her family where she’s clearly loved. I will be praying for you all.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That sounds interesting, Staci. It’s cool what they can do with stem cells! Good for a suspense novel maybe? ๐Ÿ™‚
      She’s doing pretty well this morning, thank goodness. Not so, Me. I took a header down the ramp in the middle of the night trying to help her have a potty break. It looks like I went a round with a prize fighter, lol

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  9. I’m so sorry to hear about your baby! We rescued our Molly from the ASPCA, she was an abused Chihuahua. I know how beloved these animals become. I hope you get to spend some more time with yours.๐Ÿ’– And that recipe looks delicious BTW!๐Ÿ˜

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    1. Hi Jodie,
      Yes, she’s a special girl. It’s hard to see her going downhill. DH isn’t ready to say goodbye. We made the decision to do what we can to keep her comfortable and play it by ear. She ate some food that I made a gravy for today- first time in three days- so we’re taking that as a hopeful sign.
      Thanks for dropping by ((hugs))


  10. This recipe looks great, thanks for sharing it Jacquie. On the other hand, this post was heartbreaking. I went through the same thing with my dog in June 2018 and the vet convinced me that it was time to let him go, but he was in a lot of pain. I was so afraid he would fall down the stairs of the bed or wherever and hurt himself severely. I do not know if you still have Annie, but if you do, I pray you have some special times to come. If not, hugs to you and DH for the pain of loss that you must feel.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We went through the same worries with her, compounded after she was attacked by a couple of raccoons. We had to let her go in December- it broke our hearts. I still have her blanket on the end of my bed for comfort.
      I’m sorry you had to say goodbye to your boy. They are part of our family. {{hugs}}


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