30 Replies to “West Coast Lighthouse #WordlessWednesday”

    1. There’s one on a small island nearby called Race Rocks that takes caretakers for 6 months at a time. Haven’t heard of any around here that are B & B’s but that would be cool!

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      1. Some in my state are B&Bs now. I haven’t known for caretakers to be able to say that long here. It’s usually a week. One runs the gift section while one gives tours. (If it’s more than one person.) It’s be so much fun to have the whole beach to yourself after closing time. Unless it’s a haunted lighthouse!

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      1. I hope to get back that way someday, Jacquie, and I will definitely let you know when. I would love that! When we were in Vancouver, we went to a place called Lighthouse Bay I believe? And hiked to a beautiful lighthouse there. I had to see at least one lighthouse while I was in that beautiful place! ♥️

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  1. I haven’t been out to Fisgard for a while; thanks for the reminder. I’ve had short stays at a couple of working BC lighthouses when my husband was a temporary lightkeeper in the ’90s: Ballenas (now destaffed) and Egg Island, just north of Vancouver Island. Good memories!

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      1. They take weather conditions readings every 4 hours (I think) and keep an eye on what’s happening on the water nearby. Not too much paperwork. They also maintain the station and its grounds. Coast Guard helicopters and ships visit occasionally to do heavy stuff and deliver things. To me at the time it seemed like a great job, but the regular lightkeepers had a number of complaints. Of course at that time there was a move to automate and destaff all the lighthouses in Canada, but it ended after a Senate committee looked into things and made recommendations. So there are still a lot of staffed stations. Trial Island is the closest. Race Rocks is a special case but not staffed by federal gov’t employees.

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