I disagree!

Kathryn Jane​ shares a thought-provoking post on opinions at the Sisterhood of Suspense #blog. Stop by and tell us your thoughts on this important subject, we’d love to hear from you!

Word by Word

by Kathryn Jane

I disagree with lots of what goes by me on FB.

But instead of lashing out, shaking a finger or fist, unfriending or blocking, I sit back and wonder…

Why is this person’s opinion so different from mine?

How can she not see what I see?

Why does she not think like I think?

How can she be so wrong?

That’s when I stop and regroup.

That’s when I suddenly wonder if that person has the same reaction to what I post?

What if she thinks my opinion is way off the wall. My beliefs are out in left field.

What if she decides to unfriend me because my view of the world is so obviously different than the view she has?

Then I smile, thinking about the things we have in common. Things that have nothing to do with our religious or political beliefs…

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#BookRelease #scifi Novel: THE GATE #aliens

Congrats to Staci Troilo writing as D. L. Cross on her new release- The Gate!

Staci Troilo

Ciao, amici! I feel like I was just announcing the release date had been moved up (how unheard of!) and now the release day is HERE!

I’m happy to announce THE GATE is available today!

The Gate

If you like Ancient Aliens, this is right up your alley. Think of it as Indiana Jones meets Falling Skies. There’s travel, mystery, lore, ancient artifacts, government agents, a nefarious cabal, and (you guessed it) aliens.

The Gate is the first of five books in the Astral Conspiracy series, part of the popular Invasion Universe. I hope you’ll celebrate with me.

Universal Purchase Link | More Information | Invasion Universe Newsletter

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A Birthday Celebration #FamilyFirst #Grandparents

It's my grandson's birthday!! Time seems to go faster every year. I can't believe my boy is twelve already! His mom booked him an amazing party at a recreation centre filled with activities like rock climbing, jamboree type rides, high jumping onto an air mattress (yikes!) and a trip to the movies for Avengers: Endgame. …