A Letter From Home- #FlashFictionChallenge #amwriting

February 13, 2020, prompt: In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story that includes a sugar report. Use its original meaning of a letter from a sweetheart to a soldier, or invent a new use for it. Go where the prompt leads!

Follow along or join in at Charli Mills’ Carrot Ranch- here

Unashamed tears roll down my face, words on scented paper imprinted on my mind.

Darling Ken,

I think about you every day, but never more than now.

Heโ€™s beautiful, my darling. A full head of hair, nut-brown like yours. Ten perfect fingers and toes, and a smile that fills my heart.

The nurse says gas, but we know better. Heโ€™s thinking of the day you’ll come home and take us into your loving arms.

I pray itโ€™s soon.

Love you always and all ways,


Three long months ago, my baby wrote me a love letter- Iโ€™m a father.

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