Sneak Off and Read: Lines all about the topic MARRIAGE #RSsos #RomSuspense

The Sisterhood of Suspense​ are sharing lines on MARRIAGE in this week’s Sneak Off and Read. Stop by and share your favorite line, we’d love to hear from you 🙂

Word by Word

#OneLineSunday by #RSsos Lines all about  the topic MARRIAGE

Interested in reading more? Click on the book covers below for information about the novel and the author.

Three days ago, I’d hoped he’d propose; only now, I didn’t want it. Our marriage would have been one big, huge, horrendous mistake.

Vicki Batman

“No, I don’t think you murdered your… Tim.” He couldn’t bring himself to say husband; it rubbed him the wrong way every time he thought about her married to another man. “But the authorities are going to look into your relationship, and when they do…”

Jacquie Biggar

“Did you think that marriage would last? I didn’t think it would last a year.”

Joanne Guidoccio

“She started crying, begged forgiveness. Said she only wanted to spice up our marriage. So you see I’m partly to blame for all this if she felt it needed to be spiced up.” Blake…

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