Count Your Blessings- Be #Thankful #SundayPhotoStills #Challenge

During this holiday season it’s more important than ever to consider the things you are most thankful for in your lives

This week’s Sunday Stills Photo Challenge by Terri Webster Shrandt is focused on giving thanks. Check out her photos here and join in if you can!

One of the biggest rewards in our lives is our grandson (pictured above). He brings us joy and laughter every day, and even though he’s now on the opposite coast in Newfoundland, we stay up to date in his, and our daughter’s lives with cherished photos. It’s hard to imagine this kid has been battling Type 1 Diabetes for five years already! Thanks to the research done on this life-threatening disease, he can better monitor his condition and live an active lifestyle.

Next is my daughter, who is an inspiration and my hero for all that she manages on a day-to-day basis. Being a single parent is tough enough, add in a special needs child, and a goal of becoming a marine biologist and her hands are full! On top of that, she fosters cats and volunteers at the local pet sanctuary. She’s incredible!

Of course, I need to add my baby, Harley, to the list. She grew up next to our Shepherd, Annie, and thinks she’s a dog! lol. She protects the yard, follows DH everywhere he goes, and cuddles with me when I’m not well. She’s eight now and slowing down, but I hope we have many more years before we have to say goodbye.

Several years ago, we moved from our home in Alberta to Vancouver Island to help our daughter get settled into university and watch over our young grandson. Hubby traveled back and forth to Alberta bi-monthly for work and said that he was going to make my dream of staying on the island a reality. And he did!

We’ve been here nine years now and can’t imagine living anywhere else. I’m so grateful to be given the opportunity to bring my mom here with us to what I consider paradise ๐Ÿ™‚

Swan at Esquimalt Lagoon
Fog moving in- our gazebo

So, what are you thankful for? Share your thoughts with me, I’d love to hear from you!

29 Replies to “Count Your Blessings- Be #Thankful #SundayPhotoStills #Challenge”

  1. Thanks for this Jacquie. I’ve begun keeping a gratitude journal and try to enter two or three things each day that I am grateful for. Some days it’s only one thing because i can’t think of anything else. But I find it lifts my spirits to focus on the positive. Keep well and stay safe, Sylvie

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    1. Hi Sylvie,
      It’s easy to fall into a negative spiral with the combination of short winter days, Covid-19, and possible health issues. But if we can just search for the positive, no matter how small, it can give us the boost we need.
      Take care {{hugs}}


  2. What wonderful subjects for which to be thankful, Jacquie! Family is everything, and part of the reason we chose Spokane, since my hubby’s family lives in the area. I will be closer to my uncle and cousins in coastal WA and look forward to more time with them in the future. I have to say your sweet grandson living with T1 diabetes is so much easier now with the advances and technology available. My first husband struggled with it for years and it wasn’t until his 50s he could use the pump. Blessings to you and yours for Thanksgiving, Jacquie!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. A lovely list of things to be thankful for, Jacquie. And I’ll bet there are a bunch more that you didn’t include. It would be the longest post ever! Despite the virus, life is still good. Happy Thanksgiving.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I’m a friend of Terri’s and I saw your link. Lovely post, Jacquie. A friend of mine has a daughter who has dealt with diabetes since birth or babyhood at the very latest. She’s 19 now and doing well. I’m not sure what makes all the difference, but there is so much hope for those who have it now. I wish you the best Thanksgiving. You live in a beautiful area. ๐Ÿ™‚


    1. I’m glad your friend’s daughter is doing well. The pump and CGM (continuous glucose monitor) have made a real difference in these kids’ lives. It allows them to catch highs or lows before they become dangerous.
      When we were in the hospital with my grandson, there was a tiny baby who had been diagnosed with T1D. I had no idea how those parents would cope, so it’s reassuring to hear about your friend.
      I know a full night’s sleep becomes a distant dream for anyone with a child like them.
      Thanks so much for stopping by the blog!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Beautiful pictures and amazing things to be grateful for. We put up our grateful tree for thanksgivng. I love looking back at our old leaves and seeing what everyone has been grateful for and adding to it. xoxo

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