Cloudy Days- #SundayStills #photography #Blogging

Terri Webster Schrandt Challenges us to find photos highlighting ‘fog or clouds’ for this week’s Sunday Stills Photo Challenge. Check out Terri’s pictures and join in here.

In the above photo, the fog was creeping right up to our doorstep!

Nature’s stunning power never seizes to amaze!

There is pleasure in the pathless woods, there is rapture in the lonely shore, there is society where none intrudes, by the deep sea, and music in its roar; I love not Man the less, but Nature more.

Lord Byron

Eagles flying high in the clouds- submitted for Lisa’s birds weekly, birds with brown feathers

Fog blanketing the forest. I wonder if Sasquatch is on the move today?

A heavy bank of clouds bring rain and wind to Fort Rodd Hill.

Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet.

Roger Miller

Awe-inspiring clouds over still waters. Heaven on earth. Can you see the plane?

Nature is so powerful, so strong. Capturing its essence is not easy – your work becomes a dance with light and the weather. It takes you to a place within yourself.

Annie Leibovitz

Sunset over the water- submitted for Becky’s Square ‘up’ Challenge.

The joy of living in a rainforest is… rain! lol. We are having a very wet winter, but I’m okay with that. The trees are happy and spring is just around the corner. What’s it like in your part of the world?

29 Replies to “Cloudy Days- #SundayStills #photography #Blogging”

  1. Gorgeous pictures, Jacquie. I love foggy in the trees. It’s so peaceful. We are finally getting our winter here, yay! It when right into some snow, and I never tire of watching the flakes fall, but equally love the sound of rain which we will get after the snow.

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  2. The best thing about clouds is that they are all different and we never grow tired of looking at them, Jacquie. I love how the fog inches toward your home with the almost creepy light in the distance. Woohoo on adding the eagles and combining several photo challenges!

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  3. What a beautiful post, Jacquie. Your photos are wonderful. I love the blue skies, but as a Pacific Northwesterner, I love the fog too. Rain is good and, yes, spring is on it’s way! Beautiful quotes too. The Roger Miller one was new to me and made me smile. Have a lovely day. ❤

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  4. A friend reminds us to “look up” more and we are indeed reminded of the beauty of the sky and the ever-changing clouds that are about. We in Australia currently have some rain clouds about and that is a good thing!

    I am a first time visitor thanks to #sundaystills with Terri.


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