POUR IT ON #newrelease #romance #novella

Love Staci Troilo’s talented writing? Check out her #NewRelease, Pour it On!

Staci Troilo

Ciao, amici! I’m a day early for this post, but I’m not going to be able to be online tomorrow, so I have to post this today.

Pour It On goes live on January 28. It’s already available for preorder, if you want to be a day early.

Bold, complex, vibrant. The wine is, too.

Despite Romy Chandler hosting a romantic meet-and-greet at her restaurant, she’s all business. When her sommelier quits without any notice—to work for the competition, no less—she goes into mega-mogul-mode. The last thing on her mind is finding a man. She’s looking for someone who knows his way around a Bordeaux, not the boudoir.

Rick Santucci grew up in his family’s vineyard. After years of hard work, he’s turned his grandfather’s humble produce farm into a profitable winery. Once he gets their bottles into the right establishments, he’ll be able to acquire more land and move…

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28 Replies to “POUR IT ON #newrelease #romance #novella”

  1. Thank you so much for sharing this post, Jacquie. I’ve been offline for a few days, and this was such a wonderful surprise for me to login and see. I truly appreciate the share. And all the kind words.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. You are welcome. All is well here. You? New Years have become like whirlwinds, so we are heating up for the ride. Your romance stories leaps are hearts and minds into intimate wonders. You are a sheer genius.

        Liked by 2 people

  2. You are very welcome. I stated gearing up, and heating up posted to my previous comment.🤔 Anyhow, I don’t know about everyone else feeling the same, but you are uniquely talented! Happy Monday Jacquie! 💐🎶✍️

    Liked by 2 people

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