Four Decades of #love- It’s Our #Anniversary

Photo by George Dolgikh @ on

DH and I have been together for forty years- hard to believe!

We met July 9, 1982, on his eighteenth birthday. It was also our high school’s graduation party. There was a huge after-dance party out at a friend’s farm with at least half of the grads attending. So many people, loud music, alcohol (the parents at the farm took the keys of everyone attending for safekeeping), and a bonfire at least ten feet high- in a word, chaotic.

All of that, yet the moment we bumped into each other it was as though no one else was there. Corny, I know, but true.

We spent every available minute together for the next six months, then moved into a tiny little holiday trailer on his oldest sister’s land ( he’s the baby out of six kids) until we could afford something better.

Here’s a couple of photos from the early days:

Me at the Edmonton, Alberta Museum and DH with my little brother, Michael. (I’m the oldest of three).

Two years later, on June 16th, 1984 we were married under a beautiful blue sky with puffy white clouds.

And four years after that, we became parents of a beautiful baby girl.

If you think I look scared, you’re right! lol

We’ve had many ups and downs during our marriage, but one thing remains true- we loved each other then, and we love each other now.

Today, we plan to visit the beach and generally spend the day together. We may be older, but the romance is still there ๐Ÿ™‚

78 Replies to “Four Decades of #love- It’s Our #Anniversary”

  1. Happy anniversary, Jacquie! Hubs and I celebrated ours last week. We married eight days before you on June 8, 1984. We met July 17, 1983. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Enjoy the day and here’s to many more!

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Happy Anniversary. So good to hear the love is still there. My husband and I will celebrate our 40th this September and our love is still there. Thanks for sharing your pictures. So fun.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Happy Anniversary, Jacquie! I loved seeing the early photos. You were and are beautiful. My heartfelt congratulations to you both! ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿฅ‚ ๐Ÿ’–

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Lol… we often say that. I mean nowadays one person just has to look at another squint and they are off their mark. Of course it’s not to say every moment of that 40 years has been all lovey-dovey and you’be not thrown the odd plate at one another , but indeed we are long lasting. So I hope you had a wonderful day yesterday xxxx

        Liked by 2 people

          1. Love it. xxxx glad to know I ain’t alone that way. We had an epic one night , he still tries to deny to this day, where after being wed 3 weeks me coming in from a long hard day at work with fish suppers, him having been home for hours, he had the temerity to tell me although his mum worked she always had the tea on the table. I will say no more beyond the fact that several weeks later sitting charting away to someone I thought, what is that under the fire? And lo, was it not half a fossilised fish and a three quarter shattered plate….. ??

            Liked by 1 person

  4. Aww, what a beautiful post, Jacquie. I love seeing the early photos and learning how you met. This was such a heartwarming share. I’m thrilled for you both. Happy anniversary, and I wish you many, many more!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Congratulations on your successful marriage. I think people throw in the towel too quickly. Every marriage has its challenges, but when you’re in love, you can work through them. We have 35 years under our belts. We enjoy each other’s company as well as having our separate interests.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Awww. What a beautiful post, Jacquie. I loved seeing the photos, but more so hearing that your love is enduring. Life is hard, so its great to have someone beside you for the long ride. I hope you had a wonderful anniversary. Try to stretch out the celebration a few more days. You both deserve it.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Happy meeting each other anniversary, and wedding anniversary, Jacquie. We are pretty close with both anniversaires, our meeting one was 42 years thos last March, I was still in high school, and our 39th wedding anniversary was a couple days before yours. I believe I had that very same look holding my first daughter too. Love all the pics, may your happily ever after keep going strong for years to come xo

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