The girl next door just got deadly: Game of Shadows @amandakbyrne #Suspense #mgtab @Goddessfish

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Game of Shadows

by Amanda K. Byrne


GENRE: Romantic Suspense





The girl next door just got deadly.

On the outside, Cass Turner looks like any other beautiful California college girl. But besides studying at UCLA, sheโ€™s hiding a shocking secret: sheโ€™s a highly trained assassin with multiple kills under her belt. After a year spent avoiding the family business, she takes what she hopes will be her final job and winds up saving her targetโ€™s life and getting way more than she bargained forโ€ฆ

As a lieutenant in LA’s largest crime family, Dominic Kosta is determined to find out who wants him dead, and heโ€™s convinced Cass can help him. But the longer they search for the truth, the more questions ariseโ€ฆand the deeper their attraction grows. Nick has his own reasons for wanting to resist Cass, but itโ€™s a losing battle. And together, theyโ€™re free of secrets and lies. Still, getting involved with Nick has put a target on Cassโ€™ backโ€”and in this game, itโ€™s either kill or be killed.



Cover Game of Shadows





Heโ€™s why Iโ€™m here. I might as well admit it now while I can.


He has this presence that captivates me, even in a photo. Dark hair, dark eyes, a nose, cheekbones, and a jawline that look like they belong on a Greek god.


Iโ€™m young and female. Last time I checked, I was alive, and my hormones were functioning on a normal level, thank you very much. I think my reaction was well within the accepted range for someone presented with a visual they found compelling.


Itโ€™s not so much that heโ€™s attractive, though. Itโ€™s that combined with something else. He looks as dangerous as me. Or the โ€œmeโ€ that Turner insists Iโ€™m capable of being.


Thoughts like that lead to sloppiness and distraction.


Focus, Cass. Lock it down



Author Game of Shadows


AUTHOR Bio and Links:


When sheโ€™s not plotting ways to sneak her latest shoe purchase past her partner, Amanda Byrne writes sexy, snarky romance and urban fantasy. She likes her heroines smart and unafraid to make mistakes, and her heroes strong enough to take them on. Amanda lives in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, and no, it really doesnโ€™t rain that much. Visit her website at, find her on Facebook at, on Goodreads, and follow her on Twitter @amandakbyrne.


Buy links:;jsessionid=47E238A1E0BD8A6A03F89383F88B6039.prodny_store02-atgap01?ean=9781601836489







Amanda will be awarding a digital copy of Game of Shadows to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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