Forever My Soldier by Alison Mello #NA #Romance @AlisonMelloAuth

Forever My Soldier
Alison Mello
(Love Conquers Life #3)
Published by: Limitless Publishing
Publication date: August 9th 2016
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance

All Patricia Fitzgerald wants is to live happily ever after with her soldierโ€ฆ

With their relationship finally out in the open, and Carter on the fast track to recovery, Patty spends Black Friday helping him with his charity event. Their attempt to spread Christmas cheer is interrupted, though, when Pattyโ€™s ex-boyfriend Ben, who has been harassing her for months, shows up. Fearing for Pattyโ€™s life, one of the men on the protection detail springs into action.

Patty finally thinks her worries are over, but the media wonโ€™t leave her aloneโ€ฆ

The press is everywhere. Patty wants to move on with her life, but theyโ€™re relentless in their badgering about the circumstances surrounding Ben. If that isnโ€™t enough stress to endure, someone spikes Pattyโ€™s drink during a New Yearโ€™s Eve event, and it isnโ€™t her meddling ex. Luckily, Carter is there to save her when she collapses, but this constant threat to her life isnโ€™t going away.

Planning a wedding becomes tedious instead of fun when youโ€™re constantly looking over your shoulderโ€ฆ

A cake tasting is supposed to be one of those days as a future bride when you get to sit back and take a break from the chaos of planning the ceremony. Someone new is out there, though, and they arenโ€™t happy with how Patty handled Ben and her newfound fame in the press. Can Carter manage to keep his fiancรฉ safe long enough to put their ordeal with Ben behind them for good and finally becomeโ€ฆ

โ€ฆforever her soldier?

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Author Bio:

Alison Mello is a wife and stay at home mom to a wonderful little boy. She lives with her amazing family in Massachusetts. She loves playing soccer, basketball and football with her son.

After having her son, Alison started reading again and fell in love with Contemporary Romance. Reading made her happy and gave her something to do when she had downtime. As she started to read more, she started to noticed things she really enjoyed in a book and things she didnโ€™t. She began to have ideas for writing one of her own. One day she literally woke up and started writing. She realized that if there was ever a time for her to write, it was now. She had a part time job to give her something to do. The hours at work were slow and she was bored with what she was doing, so while her son was off enjoying his friends over summer vacation she got started.

Alison finished the first book in two weeks and decided that she really enjoyed writing, so she kept going. She already had ideas in mind for books two and three, so she kept writing. That is how the Learning to Love Series was born. Somewhere along the line, one of my Beta readers convinced me that Michael, a character from Finding Love, needed his own story. That is when Alison added the fourth and final book. Alison hopes you enjoy her books as much as she enjoyed writing them.

Sheโ€™s so glad she started this writing journey and hopes you will stay with her for the ride. Chasing Dreams is scheduled to release in April and the first two books of the Love Conquers Life series will be out this summer!

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