Ending on the Right Note

An interesting post on ending your book to meet a reader’s expectations by Joanne Guidoccio​ on The Sisterhood of Suspense​ #blog

Word by Word

By Joanne Guidoccio

Last summer,  I read several books with unsatisfying endings. In one case, I wondered if the novel had been worth my time and attention. The author had started with a compelling opening, the characters were well-developed, and each chapter ended on a suspenseful note.

Where did she go wrong?

Two-thirds of the way through the book, she introduced a character who had no connection to any of the other characters. In fact, I would suggest she literally pulled him out of thin air so she could pin the murder on him.

Afterward, I started to wonder about the conclusions to my own books. Had I made an impact on the reader and encouraged her to buy the next book in the series? Or had I disappointed her with a contrived or unsatisfactory ending?

I reread my editor’s comments and checked with several beta readers who reassured me…

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12 Replies to “Ending on the Right Note”

      1. I’m in the middle, I think. I like contented endings, Jacquie, and most of my books have them. Not as glossy as “happily ever after,” but deeply connected, the characters bound together by having shared some kind of life-shaking choices. I like suffering! Ha ha. And the way that elevates what’s really important – which is love. 🙂

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  1. This is something I notice more on Netflix these days, Jacquie. Shows end flat. Or never wrap things up. We definitely need to end on the right note as writers to create an impression for our readers.

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