Ten Things My Cat Hates About You #RomCom #BookReview

Not everyone gets nine livesโ€ฆ
So he better be the love of a lifetime!

When Claraโ€™s ginger cat Casper chases yet another romantic prospect out the door sheโ€™s ready to give up on love altogether. But then the fussy feline causes two meet cutes in the space of a day and suddenly Clara has two gorgeous men driving her to distraction.

But who is in control of happy ever after? Clara, fateโ€ฆor the cat who started it all?

Amazon: https://amzn.to/2oUcpfr

Photo by Monique Laats on Pexels.com

My Review

This one tickled my funny bone!

Museum director, Clara Swift loves her job, home, family and friends, but secretly wishes for a fairytale romance like her parents had.

The problem is; she either falls for the wrong type of guy, or her rescue cat, Casper, scares away any promising prospects- what’s a girl to do?

When Casper almost gets run down by a grumpy professor, Clara rushes him to the local vet and meets the man of her dreams (or so she thinks). Josh is movie star handsome, funny, and best of all, Casper adores him. With that seal of approval, she falls head over heels for the sexy doctor. The only fly in the ointment is the annoying, but cute in a nerdy way, professor who keeps showing up with sarcastic advice.

When Adam (the professor) helps Clara out of a sticky situation at work, it changes her opinion of him and they become friends and confidants. All would be well in her world, if only she could stop thinking about Adam at the most inappropriate times!

This is a fun romantic comedy about missing what was right there all along. I give Ten Things My Cat Hates About You 4 lovely kisses!

โ€œI voluntarily read an ARC of this book which was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.โ€

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