Give Thanks #GratitudePost #Family

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What gratitude means to me.

This is going to be a rather personal post, but I feel the need to put into words my topsy-turvy state of mind.

I guess it all started a couple of years ago when my daughter and grandson moved to the other end of the country so she could pursue her master’s degree in biology.

I’m so very proud of her, but miss them horribly.

Then, earlier this year my mother-in-law passed away. She’d been ill for a while, and we expected a call sooner or later, but it’s still hard.

July comes and DH’s union decides to call a strike. This is the first time he’s ever been in a union, so we didn’t know what to expect- five months and counting wasn’t on the list!

And finally, my mom went in for her regular blood work check up last week and received a call the same night to get in to emergency as her potassium had bottomed out and she was in danger of a heart attack.

What does all of this have to do with gratitude you might ask?

Image by John Hain from Pixabay

I’m grateful for the roof over my head, the medical services available in our country, the family and friends who have supported us during these rough periods, and most of all, for the strength to keep going when I’d sooner hide under a rock.

I’ve come to realise, no matter how hard life seems, faith and hope is a fire that will NOT let us give up. And sometimes, miracles happen.

Do you ever get depressed? What do you do to overcome it?

My upcoming release is the story of two sisters faced by the ultimate betrayal and how the strength of family ties bring them together again.


I’m excited to share the cover for my upcoming women’s fiction novel, The Sister Pact!

The Sister Pact: Home is Where The Heart is



Two sisters lose sight of what’s most important- family bonds.

Holly Tremaine is living on borrowed time. A life-threatening illness ends her promising musical career and sends her home in the hope of making amends for the past.

Levi Anderson is on the fast track to a successful year within his profession- the last thing he has time for is his twin brother’s shenanigans. But when it includes the one woman Levi hasn’t been able to forget, his conscience won’t let him avoid the temptation to see her again.

Can remorse heal all wounds? Or will past betrayals continue to ruin family ties, one thread at a time?

23 Replies to “Give Thanks #GratitudePost #Family”

  1. Thank you Jacquie. Your post is a great reminder of what is really important in life. I do get depressed, especially after losing loved ones. We had a two family bereavements this year. Life is truly precious. I find my garden is my go to therapy as well as the support of family, friends, and the blogging community. Singing in our church choir gives me a boost and is also a great way to release grief…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I’m sorry for your loss. Church choirs are wonderful, I’m glad you have that comfort, Brigid.
      I agree, the garden is a great source of peace for me, too, as is the ocean. I’m not sure why this time of year is linked to depression, maybe it’s the shorter days, or the stress of the holidays.
      It’s cold and windy outside today, yet a hummingbird is in the garden eating his lunch- life goes on {{hugs}}

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Jacquie, you have been going through some tough times and I will keep you and your family in my prayers. You are so right, trying to find the positives when dealing with things that are not, is a great way to keep focused. When I get down, I usually spend time with my grandchildren, they always make me smile. I also pray and read. Watching Hallmark movies usually brings a smile to my face. I always have some to read on my DVR. Hugs to you and your family.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes, I give thanks every night for the blessings we receive. There are so many going through worse times, at least we still have a roof over our heads.
      The Hallmark movies are my escape, as well. They have love and family at their core- hard not to feel good watching them πŸ™‚

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  3. My husband and I are so happy, but I got sentimental this Thanksgiving for some reason. When I look back at our lives, we’ve rarely had just good times. There’s always been the hard with the good, but like you, why not focus on the good to help deal with the bad? Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and that your husband’s strike ends soon. Your book sounds wonderful!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Wow, beautiful post, Jacquie. I can relate to so much, and your quote for the tweet- that’s been defining my life lately in the care of my Dad. No matter what doctors tell us, we have our hope and faith because without those things, what do we even have? We will never, ever give up. I’m sorry for the challenges you’ve had this year, but I’m amazed with the grace with which you’ve coped. β™₯️

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    1. I’m so sorry your dad is going through a rough time, Jennifer. Life throws us these punches, but it’s how we handle them that matters. I’m sure your positive attitude is an anchor for your family {{hugs}}

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  5. My sincere condolences on the loss of your mother in law. I can only imagine how hard it is to have you daughter and grandson move away. I hope your mom gets better. On a good note, congratulations on another book. You are amazing!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Diane. I think we often take our families for granted until something happens.
      Maybe it comes with getting older, but I’m more grateful now for the moments we have together.
      Happy Thanksgiving!

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  6. Sounds like you have had a tough time lately, Jacquie. But an old Alberta saying is, “Tough times donΒ΄t last, tough people, do.” I think we all get depressed from time to time and Christmas can be hard when you are missing loved ones. What do I do? I write and take my dog for walks when I get depressed. It helps. Glad you have another book coming out. Sounds great!!

    Liked by 2 people

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