Crisis of Conscience

Marsha Riegert West​ shares an interesting post on our conscience at the Sisterhood of Suspense​ #blog today. Stop by and join the conversation, we’d love to hear from you 🙂

Word by Word

The idea for this post came to me while I was speeding along 820 W, the loop that circles Fort Worth. I travel on this road daily and frequently more often. For most of this road the speed is 65 mph. (Does Canada have the same speed limit measures?) Usually, I set my cruise control about 67 or 68. That’s because most of the folks are driving 70-75. Seriously. And I know cars have flown by me going 80.

speedometer(I slowed down to take this picture!)

So, Saturday I didn’t have on the cruise control and looked down to see I was flying along at 75 myself, just keeping up with the traffic, you know. After slowing down to closer to the limit, I set the cruise control.

By nature, I’m a rule follower. If the speed limit is 65 mph, that’s what I should be driving. At least very…

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#BookReview- The Last Sister by Kendra Elliot #Mystery

Three sisters’ secrets collide in a shocking novel of suspense by the Wall Street Journal and Amazon Charts bestselling author of the Mercy Kilpatrick series. Twenty years ago Emily Mills’s father was murdered, and she found his body hanging in the backyard. Her younger sister, Madison, claims she was asleep in her room. Her older sister, Tara, …