How our Pets Enrich our Lives #Inspiration #Family @jacqbiggar

Sharing my love of animals over on the Word by Word #blog. Do you have a furry friend? I’d love to hear about it!

Word by Word

Photo by Chevanon Photography on

Pets are an important part of our family and enrich our lives

I’ve always had a pet of some kind. I remember walking home from school as a child and having a pup follow me. When I asked Mom if we could keep it, she said, “You and your animals.” But, she let it stay 🙂

Some people are staunch dog lovers:

While others treasure their feline friends:

They aren’t just animals to me, they’re family. When I’m upset or not feeling well, my nine year-old calico, Harley, senses it and stays on my lap offering comfort.


Our rescue dog, Annie, who we lost a little over a year ago, was fiercely protective and as loyal and loving to us as we were to her.


We long for an affection altogether ignorant of our faults. Heaven has accorded this to us in…

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