The Last Days of Summer

Marsha Riegert West​ reminds us of the need to slow down and maybe even play a game in these trying times.

Word by Word

I’m sure some of you and/or your kids have already returned to school in whatever fashion that takes this fall. I’m sending positive thoughts of safety, energy, and joy to you as you take on this mammoth and vital task of education. In today’s environment, I’m grateful to no longer work on the front lines.mc900382578

Still we can find joy anywhere. One daughter’s kids returned last week, but they’re in a homeschool hybrid situation, where they go in twice a week and are at home three days. My other daughter’s child starts September 8 all virtual. This year, I’ll get to spend Thursday afternoons with her. We might do some school type work, but mostly, we’ll be playing. That’s been something as a grandmother I’ve had to relearn how to do. I’m pretty much a workaholic and sitting around doing nothing has little appeal even with beautiful views to inspire…

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