Resolution or Word- Whatever it takes to Inspire Your Life #Writinglife #inspiration

Did you choose a New Year’s Resolution or Word for 2022?


From Merriam-Webster Dictionary

1: the act or process of resolving: such as

a: the act of analyzing a complex notion into simpler ones

b: the act of answering SOLVING

c: the act of determining

Word of the Year

From Elizabeth Rider


Your Word of the Year Sets an Intention, A Theme Per Se, For How You Want Your Year to Flow.

It depends on the person, of course. Some are dedicated and work hard to make their resolutions a reality.

For me, not so much. Resolutions tend to be set aside after the first month or two and I end up navigating the year with no real guidance.

So, when I heard fellow authors choosing a Word for the year, I became intrigued. The one you choose is meant to be a guideline for the goal you want to achieve, whether personal or professional. It can make your life more rewarding and help you to make choices that count rather than impulses you regret.

Some words I’ve come across so far, curiosity, reflection, calm, centered, successful, healthy, generosity.

So many choices!

I thought it over for a couple of weeks and came up with…


I plan to extend my creativity and have started a new-to-me genre- YA (young adult) duet written simultaneously in first person. It’s challenging, but maybe that’s what I need in order to grow and find my voice.

Stretch myself physically with more walking and I’d like to try biking again. A couple of years ago, I wanted to join DH (darling hubby) and kiddo for a ride but found my leg wouldn’t make the swing over the seat. Kiddo tried to help by lifting my leg and I almost went over like a felled oak! lol

I want to stretch by expanding my horizons. Travel this beautiful island we live on and make a trip back home to see family and friends. Try new things such as whale watching, hiking, zip-lining (maybe :))

I’m going to work on expanding my readership by writing more meaningful blog posts, as well as communicating regularly with newsletter followers. If you’d like to chat with me there, sign up below:

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Have I inspired you to STRETCH your Limits?

45 Replies to “Resolution or Word- Whatever it takes to Inspire Your Life #Writinglife #inspiration”

  1. I like your word for 2022, Jacquie. I’ve never been one for resolutions, so for many years, I’ve chosen a word. This year, I’ve recycled one from the past…focus. As I’m pulled in many directions, I felt this word could help me in 2022. I’m easy distracted!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I love focused, Jill. That was the word I came up with first (easily distracted, as well, lol), but then stretch appeared in my mind complete with a billboard and flashing lights, so I guess it chose me 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I really like your word of the year, Jacquie. I also like the idea of a word for the year. I’d really have to give some thought to mine to sum up all aspects of my life that it would effect. Cheering you on along your path and wishing you many downloads with your sales!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Jacquie, a thoughtful and thought-provoking post! Your explanation about choosing a word as opposed to resolutions was excellent and gave clarity to this new-to-me idea. Your choice is fantastic and I wish you a fabulous year of stretch in all area! Good luck with your YA novel and I know you’ve got this! xx

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Jacquie, you have me pondering in a word and the one I keep coming back to the moment is trust … as in myself, my work, my choices, and yes, even others! I’m letting the word percolate within me for now … thank you for inspiring with your post! Xx

        Liked by 1 person

  4. What a fabulous word for 2022, Jacquie! I love it! I came up with a word for the year starting about six years ago and it’s amazing how fitting they all are as the year unfolds. Here’s to much success with all endeavors in 2022!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. What a great word, Jacquie 🙂 I’m working on stretching my muscles this year too, good idea to apply it both writing and body. I’m excited you want to dip into YA! Yay. xo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m not getting any younger, so I figured I better get serious about my health.
      I’ve read some heart-wrenching YA novels. Young people feel things deeper and with more passion, I want to tap into that 🙂


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    Liked by 1 person

  7. Stretch is the perfect word for how we should live our lives in general. Staying in a little bubble, always doing the familiar, and taking no risks is a pretty dull way to go through life. Good luck in 2022, Jacquie!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. You sound like a good lawyer. When I was getting grounded, I wonder if my parents saw my deeds as misadventures of my youth. 🤣🤣🤣

        Liked by 1 person

  8. Hi Jacquie, I really like your word. Stretch definitely allows for a lot of scope in many areas. Mine is patience. Patience with my sons so they don’t drive me to distraction. Patience at work for the same reason. Patience with my parents and their memory loss and inability to try anything new. Patience with my writing so I don’t get frustrated by my slow progress.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Stretch is a great word, Jacquie. And all the ways you’re planning to stretch are great. I think that’s how we grow, and our skill responds and grows as well. I should probably pick a word since I’m terrible at keeping resolutions. Lol. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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