Forbidden by Lauren Smith #NA #romance @Barclay_PR @LSmithAuthor



An American college student falls for a mysterious British bad boy who brings her deepest fantasies to life, neither of them knowing they’ll soon become step-siblings.


Award winning, and fan favorite, author, Lauren Smith has a brand new, New Adult, series! Love taboo relationships? You’re going to love FORBIDDEN: HER BRITISH STEPBROTHER, featuring a hot and smoldering British man and an innocent college student—neither of whom knows their parents are about to be wed, making them step-siblings!

And more exciting news, FORBIDDEN: HER BRITISH STEPBROTHER is debuting at only $.99! What a steal! Make sure to grab your copy today!






He’s her first. He’s her everything. He’s her . . . stepbrother.


Kat has always been a good girl. She studies hard and never stays out too late. But when sitting in a pub on her birthday, she realizes she’s a nineteen-year-old virgin who’s never really lived. And she wants tonight to be the night that changes.
Then she sees him walk in. He’s tall, dark, handsome, and straight out of her deepest fantasies. His voice makes her knees feel weak, and when he smiles, she imagines him doing wicked things to her in bed. From the look in his eyes, she knows he’s imagining it too. So when he asks if he can walk her home, she hears herself whisper yes . . .


*Note to Readers, this is not a first person point of view story.


Available at: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iBooks


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About Lauren Smith:



Amazon Best-Selling Author Lauren Smith is an attorney by day, author by night, who pens adventurous and edgy romance stories by the light of her smart phone flashlight app. She’s a native Oklahoman who lives with her three pets: a feisty chinchilla, sophisticated cat and dapper little schnauzer. She’s won multiple awards in several romance subgenres including being an Breakthrough Novel Award Quarter-Finalist and a Semi-Finalist for the Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley Award.
Connect with Lauren: Website | Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Amazon


Since I recently decided to dip my toes into a new genre of writing I thought I’d ask Lauren for some advice. Take it away, Lauren:


The Joys of Multi-Genre Writing – Lauren Smith

Multi-Genre writing is a path some authors persue while others do not. For me, it was a given. I love to read in nearly every single romance subgenre as well as outside the romance genre. It’s all about a good story, the fascinating characters, the complex plots, the ability to keep a reader engaged page after page. This isn’t easy for writers to do. We toil endlessly over our manuscripts with our editors to make the stories as perfect as possible. It’s easy to get tired and overworked when facing such high expectations. For me, multi-genre writing became a sort of writing therapy.

What do I mean by writing therapy? Well for example, I write historical, contemporary, modern gothic, paranormal and new adult. If I delve deeply into say the Regency period, my head is full of the balls at Almack’s assembly rooms, the different types of coaches like hackney cabs versus traveling coaches and the different styles of cravats (ties men wore back then). The complexity of the historical details takes time and effort to research and seamessly incorporate into each story. After I complete a historical manuscript, I’m usually quite mentally fatigued. How do I reboot my inspiration batteries? Changing a genre for my next book is usually the key. I leave behind the balls, gowns, and gentleman, and change settings to a snowy university school in England over Christmas where young college freshman might meet a dashing young future earl, or perhaps I’ll venture into a story about a haunted castle and a set of ghosts who bring a pair of lovers together.

Keeping my muse inspired is vital as an author and I firmly believe that writing in multiple genres is the key to this. Sure, it can get a little tricky to jump between historical any other genre. I usually have to brush up on my research materials, read through one of my old books to get the flow together, but that’s not hard for me. I have talked to other authors who stay well within in their comfort zones and I applaud them for that. I think it would be difficult to devise plots in the same genre over and over again and still keep their readers fresh, but these authors do just that! I think it all depends on the particular writer and their style. I feel fortunate that I can jump between genres and offer readers a taste of everything.


Thanks Lauren, great advice!



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