Plotting Circles & Why I Love Them

Marian Lanouette explains the value of plot circles on the Sisterhood of Suspense blog. Would this work for you?

Word by Word

Plotting Circles, and why I love them.

Good morning, it’s great to see everyone here. Over the course of my writing career I’ve used many programs and tools to plot. Even though I’m a pantser/plotter, but I always come back to my plotting circle to begin a story.

green circle

Everything in the circle is what initial comes to me before I think to write a story. It’s like a movie running in my head. And darn, it always seems to happen just before I drop off to sleep or am about to wake. That’s the reason I keep a note pad and pencil on the nightstand, and a recorder (in case I’m too lazy to come awake.)

What determines if a character whether the protagonist, villain, or secondary character is crucial in a story? It’s what they contribute to move it along. You always need a protagonist, but not a villain…

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