Identity Crisis #writing #lifehacks #mgtab


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Lately, I’ve been questioning my ability as a writer and it’s left me feeling lost and depressed.

Do you ever doubt yourself?

I think it began with the big change in our lives this summer. As many of you know, my daughter and grandson have moved over six thousand km away so she can continue with her dream to become a marine biologist.

While I’m incredibly proud of her, it’s also left a big gap in my days. I’m used to being there for my grandson, often picking him up for lacrosse or hockey or swimming practice.

He’s a key part of our lives and we are lost without him.

I’m empty inside and find it increasingly hard to put words on the page. I hope this is a short term thing, I mean it’s not like I can’t text or FaceTime him whenever I want. But, it’s not the same, either.

I’ve been working on a holiday novella for our Love, Christmas 2 collection set around the theme of our favorite holiday movies. Mine is Mistletoe Inn, taken from the Hallmark® movie, The Mistletoe Inn.

Here’s a short preview


For my story I’ve adapted the inn as more of a bed and breakfast with my hero as a scarred, bitter loner that the heroine, Molly McCarty, falls in love with.




Molly McCarty has picked up roots and traveled across the country to run a bed and breakfast with a sweet-sounding old lady. Imagine her surprise when her partner turns out to be a surly, way-to-handsome recluse. It’s too late to back out now, she’ll have to mend his lonely heart in time for the holidays.

I’m enjoying this heartwarming tale, but it’s also making me realize Christmas won’t be the same this year.


What do you do to get rid of the blues?


Don’t forget to enter our name that title contest- ending soon!



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Never Before Published Holiday Romances

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The Christmas Movie (Box Collection) Contest

  1. Twenty-five winners will have their favorite movie chosen as the title. (Slight changes due to copyrights may be made.)
  2. That particular story will be dedicated to the winner.
  3. The winners will receive a free copy of the ebook or a free copy of whichever book you choose from your author’s backlist..


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13 Replies to “Identity Crisis #writing #lifehacks #mgtab”

    1. Thank you, Staci. We’ve been separated from them before, just after my grandson was born, but at least it was within driving distance.
      This one is harder to accept.
      I’ll get back to ‘normal’ sooner or later 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Jacquie, I am so sorry you’re feeling those separation blues. It must be so hard, but I also know how proud you must be of your daughter. What a great career she’s pursuing!

    I adore the cover of your new book. I have a special soft spot for Christmas stories and Christmas movies. Sending warm wishes and hugs your way!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Mae. Yes, I’m over the moon for her, just having anxiety blues for myself.
      I love holiday movies, too. They always leave a feel-good warmth at the end 🙂
      This cover is made by Michele Hauf, she’s a sweetheart!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh, I can imagine how much you’re missing your daughter and grandson, Jacquie. I can understand the blues and hope it passes as you find other ways to connect (long distance). I hope that they will visit you soon or you visit them. Keep writing and a new routine will settle in. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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