Baking up Memories- Pumpkin Bread Pudding #Recipe #Desserts

Christmas is right around the corner and with it, the joy and love of family. In our house, it’s going to be quiet this year with my daughter and grandson on the other end of the country. It’s been a struggle to retain the holiday spirit, so last night we took my mom on a drive to see the lights.

And my daughter and grandson did the same!

Near or far, love knows no boundaries. Though we can’t be together in body, we are in spirit.

Today’s recipe is great warmed up with caramel sauce and can be made a day or two ahead of time.

๏ปฟPumpkin Bread Pudding with Caramel Sauce

Fill Dutch oven with mixed bread cubes. I save my crusts of white, brown and cinnamon raison and then rip them into bite size pieces.

Add a couple handfuls of raisins for flavor.

In a separate large bowl, mix 6-8 large eggs and approx. 2 cups of sugar, cinnamon and shake of salt. Add can of pumpkin puree (not pie fill), mix. Slowly add milk until mixture is loose, approx. 1 litre.

Pour mix over bread and stir, should be soupy (not too loose though) Just so you see the liquid through the bread. If not, add a couple more eggs and milk blended together to the mix.

When you have a nice consistency: sprinkle brown sugar, cinnamon and small dollops of margarine over the top.

Cook in pre-heated 350 oven for 1- 1.5 hours. Top will gain a nice crunchy golden look. Take a knife and spread the center apart to tell if done.

Drizzle some of your favorite caramel sundae sauce over the top and enjoy.

24 Replies to “Baking up Memories- Pumpkin Bread Pudding #Recipe #Desserts”

  1. Oh my goodness, this sounds and looks so yummy, Jacquie! I loved your pics of the Christmas lights, and I think itโ€™s special that you took your mom and while your daughter and grandson did the same where they are. I am so sorry you are separated from them this holiday. Thatโ€™s hard, but like you said, you are all together in spirit and thank goodness for Skype and iMessages. Thinking of you, my friend, and sending love! โ™ฅ๏ธ

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Jennifer. You’re right, technology allows us to watch our grandson open his gifts almost as though we’re in the same room and I’m grateful for that.
      Merry Christmas, my friend. I hope you have a joy-filled holiday!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Mmm, another delicious sounding recipe. It warmed my heart when you said you’d be with your family in spirit. I am going to say the same thing since I’m apart from my family, too. The lights are gorgeous on both ends of the country.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Love the photos. Lights really brighten up the season. My favorite decoration are the paper cut-oy snowflakes my younger daughter and I made, and each year hand from the kitchen ceiling for a3D effect.

    As for the pumpkin brad pudding, I’m sure it’s delicious. Anything is good with pumpkin. Except bagels “Pumpkin spice” bagels are gruesome. Everything else pumpkin is yummy.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lol, I haven’t tried pumpkin spice bagels, David. Thank for the heads up ๐Ÿ™‚
      To my mind, the memories you just gave you and your daughter while building those paper snowflakes are ones that will last long after the gifts are gone.
      Thanks for sharing, and Merry Christmas!

      Liked by 1 person

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