The Scout: Dark Crossings by D.L. Cross #SciFi #BookReview @StaciTroilo

The aliens have landed. The humans are panicking. The scouts have been sent.

Jโ€™s mission is clear โ€” find an alien outpost, observe, report back. Simple enough. Itโ€™s what heโ€™s trained to do. But heโ€™s always worked with his team, never as a party of one. Now heโ€™s been sent out alone to blindly navigate a dense, dark forest until he finds his target. The dynamics are foreign to him, the stakes never higher. Resources are scarce. Comms are down.

And heโ€™s found the enemy.

J is shocked when everyoneโ€™s true allegiances are revealed. And the consequences of betrayal will be deadly.


D.L. Cross has loved science fiction ever since she was a young girl and fell for Major Don West on televisionโ€™s Lost in Space. To this day, she still quotes the show, though her favorite lines were spoken by the robot and the antagonist. Parallel universes or alternate realities, aliens or dinosaurs, superpowers or super viruses, time travel or AIโ€ฆ no sci-fi theme is off limits and all of them fascinate her. D.L. Cross also writes other genre fiction under the name Staci Troilo, and you can find more information about all her identities and all her work at her website:

Photo by Emre Kuzu on

My Review

When a scout is given a mission to find and observe feared aliens, he takes on the job with determination- though he’s never had to work alone before.

Soon, he finds his quarry and settles in to gather intel for his superiors. Poor communications forces him to trek miles in order to relay information.

A chance meeting with a young alien woman leads to an unlikely alliance- one that leads to unexpected consequences.

For a short story, this book packs one heck of a punch! I totally didn’t expect the twist at the end. Kudos to the author for writing a page-turning suspense!

I give The Scout: Dark Crossings 5 lovely kisses- Things are not always how they appear!

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33 Replies to “The Scout: Dark Crossings by D.L. Cross #SciFi #BookReview @StaciTroilo”

  1. My goodness, Jacquie. This was such a surprise! I don’t usually read blogs on the weekends, but I’m tickled to have found this. Thank you so much. I love the review and am so happy you enjoyed the story.

    Liked by 1 person

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