Book Review- Red Eyes in The Darkness by D. L. Finn #Suspense #amreading @DLFinnAuthor

What happens when you’re living the good life after retirement and your world suddenly turns upside down? Will and Cass Henderson learn the truth after a family member is murdered, but no one believes them because they’re the prime suspects. The Hendersons have a red-eyed killer in the family, and they’re next on its kill list.


D.L. Finn is an independent California local who encourages everyone to embrace their inner child. She was born and raised in the foggy Bay Area, but in 1990 relocated with her husband, kids, dogs, and cats to the Sierra foothills in Nevada City, CA. She immersed herself in reading all types of books, but especially loved romance, horror, and fantasy. She always treasured creating her own reality on paper. Finally, being surrounded by towering pines, oaks, and cedars, her creativity was nurtured until it bloomed. Her creations vary from children’s books, young adult fantasy, and adult paranormal romance to an autobiography with poetry. She continues on her adventures with an open invitation for her readers to join her.

Photo by Joonas kääriäinen on

My Review

When Cass Henderson’s sister is murdered, she and her husband are confronted by the killer- Cass’s husband- and he admits to the crime. Unfortunately, no one else hears him and the police don’t believe the Henderson’s story.

It, as Cass thinks of him, created an airtight alibi for himself while leaving supposed clues that make Cass and Will the chief suspects. Family and friends turn their backs on the couple, leaving them alone and vulnerable to a murderer’s master plan.

But, he wasn’t prepared for Cass.

This is a fast-moving story with all the right elements of suspense and a touch of paranormal thrown in to create a book you won’t be able to set aside!

I give Red Eyes in The Darkness 5 lovely kisses- Scary good!

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