Sunday Lines: Sunday, August 2nd

The authors from Word by Wordโ€‹ share encouraging lines every Sunday in August with the theme- When You’re Ready to be Inspired.
Stop by and share your thoughts, we’d love to hear from you ๐Ÿ™‚

Word by Word

Here are a few encouraging #SundayLines provided by our #WordbyWord authors with the theme WHEN YOUโ€™RE READY TO BE INSPIRED and ideas for finding solitude, a voice, new ideas or maybe a purpose.

Interested in learning more? Click on the pictures below to gain more insight about each author.

I read all genres but when writing I read in my genre. It helps to keep me focused.

Marian Lanouette

โ€œIn order to understand the world, one has to turn away from it on occasion.โ€ ~ Albert Camus

Sharon Wray

Take a walk in the forest and listen to the silence. Before you know it youโ€™ll be thinking up โ€ฆ.

Pat Amsden

The measure of who we are is what we do with what we have. ~ Vince Lombardi

Jacquie Biggar

Weโ€™re always unbecoming, and becoming, so look forward, not back.

Kathryn Jane

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