#BookReview- Two Fab #ShortReads by @JoanHallWrites and #Janice_Spina

I have two great short stories to share today. House of Sorrow by Joan Hall and The Copper Key: Abby & Holly series- Book 5 by Janice Spina.

We’ve been spending long hours in our garden soaking up vitamin D and harmony, so I didn’t get as much read as I wanted, but these fabulous stories- a generational fiction and a paranormal mystery- were perfect books to enjoy under the spring sunshine.

My Review

When Ruth Hazelton and her handsome husband, Lee, buy a stately old victorian in their new home of Madeira, New Mexico she imagines them raising children and growing old together between its welcoming walls.

While Lee is off protecting the town as the police chief, Ruth befriends a crotchety old neighbor and a few of the local children. Happiest when helping others, Ruth volunteers at the senior assisted living, arranges get-togethers with the neighborhood, and regularly has her young nephew to visit. For the most part, she’s content, though a few rumors about previous owners of her home cause her moments of misgiving.

Set in dual timelines of present day and the 1960’s, we are gently guided through Ruth’s life with real life events as an interesting background to the story. I really enjoyed Sam (the grumpy older neighbor) and his stubborn beliefs.

This book reads like a soft spring breeze, sweet and easy ๐Ÿ™‚

My Review

Teens Abby and Holly fancy themselves to be amateur detectives with an ace in the hole- two spirits who help them to stay out of trouble.

In The Copper Key, the girls find an old key up in the attic taped to the back of a painting. Curious as to what the key will open, the girls begin a search that takes them into the past and a trail leading to a surprise ending!

This is an entertaining read for middle school and up. I enjoyed the interactions between the girls and their ghost friends, Minerva and Felicity. Abby reminds me of myself at that age- too impulsive! lol

Are you getting much reading done? Have you read these books yet? Let’s talk ๐Ÿ™‚

Meanwhile: here’s my apple blossoms. Aren’t they gorgeous?

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37 Replies to “#BookReview- Two Fab #ShortReads by @JoanHallWrites and #Janice_Spina”

  1. Fantastic reviews, Jacquie. I loved House of Sorrow by Joan Hall, and The Copper Key looks like an excellent story for young readers.

    Your apple blossoms are gorgeous!!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Ooh, that apple blossom is beautiful.

    I loved House of Sorrow, and The Copper Key sounds like just the kind of book I would have loved when I was young. Great reviews. Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Beautiful apple blossoms! You live in a lovely area, Jacquie. Thank you for sharing your great reviews. I very much enjoyed House of Sorrow, and I definitely will search for the Copper Key. All the best!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I was a young girl in the 60’s but remembered many of the events Joan mentions in her book. I love how she intertwined factual history with her story.
      Janice’s book is a fun adventure. I think you’d enjoy it, Gwen ๐Ÿ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Gorgeous apple blooms, Jacquie. I never get tired of seeing springs bounty.
    Great reviews! I loved Joan’s story and the children’s book sounds like a fun read.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I’ve been hearing some great things about “House of Sorrow,” and “The Copper Key,” would be a great read for older kids. Excellent reviews, and congrats to these authors.

    Liked by 1 person

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