The Importance of BFF’s


Most of us have them, but how many of us appreciate them?

This week marks a milestone birthday for me and a recent phone call started me thinking about how much we take the people in our lives for granted. I’ve been fortunate enough to have three BFF’s in my life.

My Mother, who has made me the person I am today, which I like to think is a complement 🙂

My DH of thirty wonderful years, who has always been the rock in my life. I look back over our lives together and I see only the high points, the lows have faded away. That’s what true love does, it sustains and enriches.

My third BFF, my friend of . . . thirty-six years. Wow! It seems just yesterday that we met. The funny thing is, we didn’t even like each other at first. She thought I was stealing her boyfriend and I thought she was a whiny brat, lol.


Of course over time that changed, and we began to count on each other for everything. We went on adventures together. We did everything together.

She married that guy, the one that brought us together, and they had a couple of beautiful baby boys. I’m their God-mother.

Then I married my man and we had a gorgeous baby girl together. Of course my BFF is her God-mother. 🙂

Whenever one of life’s crisis’s would hit, whether the kids were hurt or when our parents passed away, we were there for each other, sharing the pain or laughter over the phone.

And even though we’ve never again lived in the same town together, we’ve always been there for each other.

And always will.


2 Replies to “The Importance of BFF’s”

  1. Hi Jacquie
    Loved your post. It’s a real “feel good” piece.
    I have good friends that go back a while to a long long while. Friends sustain us in a way other relationships don’t and mostly they make me laugh and lighten up.
    Thanks for sharing your life and your loves.
    Best Wishes


  2. Your so right Jo-Ann, I think best friends understand us more than anyone else, and I think we share things with them that we don’t share with our other loved ones.
    Thanks for commenting, 🙂


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