Sneak Off and Read: Lines with the topic, VISION #RSsos #RomSuspense

The Sisterhood of Suspense share lines with the theme, VISION, this week. Stop by for a visit, we’d love to hear from you 🙂

Word by Word

#OneLineSunday by #RSsos Lines with the topic, VISION

Interested in reading more? Click on the book covers below for information about the novel and the author.

The air began to sparkle, and her peripheral vision went black. All she could see were lighted circles of what was directly in front of her.

Kathryn Jane

Elise heard someone calling her name, but it was muffled. With her vision blurry, she worked hard to focus on what looked like someone standing next to her.

A Twisted Fate (work in progress)

Excruciating pain began in her middle and trembling spread outward. Her breath dissolved in her chest. Darkness closed around her vision.

Marsha West

Sarah’s vision wavered from lightheadedness and dehydration. Her burst of righteous anger had exhausted her.

Sharon Wray

“The Aunt Nellie from television? The one with the cooking show? She’s your aunt?”

Vicki Batman
The Great Fruitcake Bake-off, Whispers of…

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